Thursday, 29 October 2015

Prime Girls night 27-10-15

Flik Ollie Fakie

Ash Boneless

Bigkid fs ollie Ash photo on my setup

Flik boardslide

Lucy Popshuv

Flik Boardslide
Bigkid boardslide Ash photo on my setup

Bigkid fs ollie Ash photo on my setup

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Arty Farty 20-10-2015

What do you do when you have a Skate park completely to yourself???
Skated every thing.
When there is no wait between runs it all gets a little to exhausting....
bail on a tail stall = time to take a break!

Broke out the Camera for a bit... and got a little creative.
Even managed to get the Park manager to be a (still life) stunt double :D

Ghostly drop-in from yours truly

BK Axle stall to fakie and a rock fakie multishot

BK ghostly 5050 to camera 180

Monday, 19 October 2015

Welcome Orbs Ghost lite..

Just a quick post about some awesome service I have had...
had a bit of a defect with a set of wheels
Contacted the UK Distributor as we couldn't remember who we got them from.
Posted a video of defect on PrivateMessage to K E E N Dist. facebook page on Saturday eve,
a short email exchange later..
then this turned up :D

So a massive thanks to
Mike Halls
Owner / Director @ K E E N

Saturday, 17 October 2015

13-10-2015 @ Prime

Helena BS 50-50

The Step-up

Couple of chaps I met this week having fun with the height change!

6-10-2015 @ Prime

Reece Crail Slide

Reece HUGE transfer from mini to roll-in
Sam BS 5-0

Reece HUGE and Boned transfer from mini to roll-in

BigKidTTL badly composed then Ash took the Photo

BigKidTTL badly composed then Ash took the Photo

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Pasty New Recruits Vid

Collected quite a bit of footage. Thought it best to DO something with it :)
Pasty Attack Force!

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

29-9-2015 Prime Skatepark

Andrew FS Slash

Andrew FS Layback Rock

Stef Ollie Disaster

Tye Tire Slide
Tye Wall ride

Stef 5-0 Stall Fakie
Stef FS 5-0


Put up a blog so I can share my Photography with internet land.
Gonna make sure the camera comes with me Skateboarding most weeks. Sure there will be some rollerderby shots appearing now and then, and maybe some landscape stuff.
Current Picture box consists of Canon 550D with the choice of 8mm Fisheye, Kit, 75-300 lenses.
Just got Flash senders so am learning to use remote flashes.
I'll update kit as it changes.
I am not a massive camera geek so I wont be putting up technical F stop  and shutter details.
Right ho......
Pictures away.