Thursday, 31 March 2016

Prime 29-3-16

Prime again.. Hope the weather improves soon so I can go skate outdoors.
Got my street photography on....  dual flash setup.
playing with flash positions and the like got some good results.
Here you go.. Big thanks to Ash for assisting with the identity of some :)
Kat tackles slopes

Jordan : Croooook

Steve : Smith

Josh : Hubba 5-0

Jordan : Back Tail

Jordan : End to end 5-0

Gary : Crooked

Gary goes up the wall

Gary : 180 No-Comply

Molly ramping

Molly Ramping

Josh : Nose wheelie
PCRD Lady on the new 1/4

PCRD Lady on the new 1/4

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

And now for something completely different

A Recent visit to Bicton Gardens
a chance for a lovely day out with the family
and some Photography.


Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Happy in the face!

Ive struggled with the flash senders from day one of having two flashes.
I never could get two flashes working at once.
BUT tonight I figured it out ( read the user guide) poked some settings on the camera and......
Got Ash the Park manager to guinea-pig the flash setup,
got to fire off some two flash shots to test it all out further.....
Ash 50-50

Ash FS Slash

Ash FS Slash
Ash FS Slash

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Roller Derby SWAT B vs Bath Roman Rollers

Roller derby season is now in full swing so going to be visiting lots of Bouts.
Trying to learn a second form of sport photography has been a bit of a learning curve.
I was not sure what people wanted out of the photos often challenging conditions in the sports halls and flash photography is a little frowned upon.
You will see a lot of expensive glass pointed at roller derby as not using flash you need to grab every available crumb of poor lighting (honestly some sports halls have really shoddy lighting)
I don't have £3000 to spring for some F2.8 wide angle lens and if I did I'd question what else I should have spent the money on...
So I am getting by shooting high iso and being smart with my position in the hall to get the best results I can.
Been my third year shooting Derby and my good shot ratio is getting better.
Here are some of my shots from the last game.

Refs need huddles too...

one of the other photographers shoots in this style thought id have a shot see if it worked for me...  
Nailed it but nope not for me...

but of digital manipulation fun "Schindlers list effect" I think its called

MrsTTL was playing.. Go Curst-t
666 Peeka Hurt You currently going through Chemotherapy and still playing!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Back to prime sorry.... 1-3-16

Tonights lesson... charge stuff before heading out. shot rollerderby on saturday and thought id be ok.
Good Shots tonight with Jordan killing rails at the drop of a hat.
Arty 50-50
Jordan - Boneless

Jordan - Front blunt

Jordan - Front Feeble

Jordan - Nose Grind

Jordan - Ollie over rail

Reece -  back rail jam

Reece -  back rail jam

Stef - BS 5-0