Saturday, 13 August 2016

Chicks in Bowls Bristol.

After the exitement of the rollerderby. We headed over to Campus for a meetup with CIB Bristol.
Mrs Bigkid got some pointers and I had a blast around and took some Photos..
Luke jumpy spinny thing

Curse-t takes on the vert wall

Curse-t : Stall Fakie

Curse-t : roll out

Curse-t : Stall Fakie

Luke Tree frog

Travis jumpy spinny thing

Hard n Sharp : Marilyn stall

Hard n Sharp : Tabernacle

Doubles run

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Roller derby Triple header Tier2 Finals

Another invite to Photograph Roller derby. Decided after talking to a fellow derby photographer that I would use flash next time I photographed derby. The Bristol venue is very well lit so there is no real need for flash but took the oppertunity anyway. Talked to Head NSO (non skating official)  and Head Ref about using flashes and we were good to go.
On a side note it is a bit of a taboo to use flashes for rollerderby. I dont know why, but it is. You see photographers using F2.8 lenses so they dont have to bump up the ISO to get enough light. I dont have £3000 to spend on a lens so flashes make perfect sense to me.
I took some with flash and some without. The flashes do make for a very professional look.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Prime 2-8-2016

Prime skate... good skate and they have some new toys to play with too..
I had some new kit to play with and some sick stuff going on.
Photos! ....
Baz : Ollie over the NEW Hip

Baz : Ollie over the NEW Hip

Baz : Ollie over the NEW Hip (Tiny bit of Digital manipulation)

Nick : Hard at work

Baz : Nose grind

Dan : Turn down

Toby : FS layback

George : Leaves the running surface for a moment :)

George : Ollie

George : Indy